air balloon advisory

Are we more than “time-flying vessels?”

Recently, Texas had a crazy winter storm that left a lot of us without power. Though uncomfortable, our family was safe. We spent a few slow days camping out in the living room together.

One day, we got a tub of Legos out. We each dove in and started building. There were several small projects going on. Then, the kids started connecting them all together. We added parts as an idea struck or an interesting block was uncovered. It started growing out of control. One portion ended up completely blocking several (previously moving) parts.

As we started picking up the remaining legos and getting ready for dinner, I asked, “So, what is this?” One kid responded, “It’s a flying machine!” Another clarified, “It’s a time flying vessel…and maybe it will land on water!”

After getting the kids ready for bed (we all slept in the living room & I kept the fire going), I stared up into the dark and started thinking about how this “vessel” came together. There wasn’t much planning or direction. Whatever happened, happened. It was simple and fun. I laughed to myself as I realized, the fruit of all our effort was described as “a time flying vessel…and maybe it will land on water!”

What does that even mean?

What is a vessel that flies through time and hopes to land on water?

That’s when it dawned on me. A lot of us live our lives flying through time hoping to land somewhere interesting one day.

In essence, while we’re too busy, our story is being written by fate. We drift along expecting to get “somewhere”…and hope to recognize it when we arrive.

I think we’ve all been in that trap. But, what if we were intentional about our legacy and living a meaningful life? What if we had a plan for our lives? What if we could could be personally productive?

Well, my legacy is calling as I type…and it sounds like a 3 year old girl saying, “Daddy, may you read my bird book to me?”

Hero on a Mission

A workshop to help you stop waking up in a fog & write a story worth living.

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