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FREE: 1-Liner Builder

How to answer “what do you do?” and get more customers. Most people struggle to say what they do in a way that makes others care and remember. We’ve all been there. We casually ask someone what they do…and immediately regret it. Either they are confusing, dismissive, or boring. In the best case, we forget […]

FREE ebook: Communication isn’t easy, but what if it was simple.

FREE Communication guide. Passing information isn’t enough. It’s not communication. It’s lazy. It takes work to be understood. It takes understanding to cause change. And the point of communication is to inspire some type of change…a change in thought or a change in action. If your message is worth sharing, it’s worth doing it right. […]

StoryBrand 7-Part Framework

StoryBrand 7-Part Messaging Framework

The StoryBrand 7-Part Framework Your brand needs to tell a good story, but many companies don’t know what that really means or how to do it. In this article, I’ll cover why you should focus on the story your brand is telling…and why it’s not the story you think it is. Why should your brand […]

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