air balloon advisory

I had no idea it would look like this!

Life is crazy. Running a business is crazy. The last couple years have thrown a lot of punches. It may feel like you are spinning your tires or headed in the wrong direction. 

I recently spent 2 weeks in the mountains of New Mexico with my family. The day we hiked up, my son kept getting upset that we weren’t walking straight toward the peak.

When we finally reached the clearing, he held my hand, looked out at the horizon and said, “Daddy, I had no idea it would look like this!”

So much of the last couple years flashed through my mind. I held my son’s hand and with tears in my eyes, looked out at the horizon and prayed, “Daddy, I had no idea it would look like this!”

Now, I’m not out of the hard part. I’m still climbing my mountain and writing my story. But, I was reminded “Hang in there as the path winds its way…It’s going to be worth it.”


Hero on a Mission

A workshop to help you stop waking up in a fog & write a story worth living.

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