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4 meetings to help you create an inspiring mission statement

Your employees are disengaged because they don’t have a clear vision. Learn how to craft an inspiring mission statement that gets your team excited for work.

Create Guiding Principles

Inspire Your Team

Move Your Business Forward

You should rethink your mission statement if...

Quit operating in a fog. Create a mission statement that works.

Your simple plan to inspire your team​

1. Schedule the meetings

2. Write the five statements that guide your work

3. Create an inspiring mission for your business

What you get with the workshop

Depending on regulations, workshops may be in person or virtually.

Without a clear and compelling mission statement, you will not compel people to go on a mission at all.

Is your mission statement actually giving people a mission?

Without a clear and compelling mission statement, your mission is doomed. 

Most people and organizations fill their mission statements with so much jargon and inside language, even the people that wrote them can’t remember them a few days later.

Without a clear and compelling mission statement, you will not compel people to go on a mission at all.

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