air balloon advisory

My wife and I have been watching a TV show called Old Enough. It’s these preschool kids in Japan running errands. On. Their. Own. 

It’s ridiculous!

You’ve got a 2 year old in a diaper. He walks like 3 miles and goes grocery shopping. 

A girl walks to the market. She knows which stands to visit and who to talk to. In the end, she forgets the shrimp. Instead she gets a fish “with a cute face” wrapped in pink plastic. The parent’s don’t get mad. They celebrate that she did this unbelievable thing and adjust their lunch plans.

Another girl goes to her grandma’s garden to get some onions and cabbage. The grandma has already picked them and put them aside but the mom doesn’t tell the little girl. The little girl walks out and pulls up the onions. Then she walks over and tries to pick the cabbage but it has a huge root. She keeps working on it and trying. She keeps rolling it around and twisting it. For like 20 or 30 minutes she keeps working on it. I want to step in and help her. Eventually, the root snaps. She grabs her bag, the onions, and this huge cabbage plant-not just the head, the leaves and everything around it. She carries it all home…pretty much in the dark.


People are capable of more than I think. 

-Who am I holding back? 
-Who needs to be invited to do “big things”? 
-Where am I stepping in because I AM uncomfortable?

You know, sometimes when you delegate, you don’t get shrimp. Sometimes you get a fish “with a cute face” wrapped in pink plastic. That’s ok. Celebrate and do it again.

Go watch Old Enough on Netflix. 

Then, let’s talk about delegation.

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